


Site-specific Research sketchcrawl-ostbahnhof

Site-specific Research sketchcrawl-ostbahnhof, 02.10.2017, Berlin

Drizzle. At the fleemarket next to "Ostbahnhof". Where can I paint? There is a market stall with its tent roof with a little free space on its table - I ask: "Can I put my water colours there?" And the man behind the table agrees. I startet out to paint what I see. And I got more and more faszinated by the seller. He was very quiet and steady in a special way. He always behaved reserved. He reacted properly with some special humor. He had little hope to sell enough due to the rainy weather. But he did not complain, although his situation is not a good one. He lives in a hotel (= he has no home). I will send him the picture. He sells philately (stamps, letters ...) and socalled "social philately" (eg. letters where you can understand the life of a person). He will be at the fleemarket on next Tuesday (3th of October 2017). He will be inside at this time.

Why did I paint at the fleemarket? This was due to "Sketchcrawl". The italian architect and artist Manuel Coletto told me about the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/273386389842739/ First we met at a space called "Spreefeld".


02. Oktober 2017

Improvisohrium 28.03.2017, 1. Stunde: Michael-Dietmar-Arnulf-Ingo (Trompete, Posaune, Gitarre, Bassgitarre) = links oben: Rot Grün Gelb; Burkhard-Silvia-Olav-Wolfgang (Stimme, Gitarre, Percussion) = links oben: Blautöne; Uli-Hans-Achim-Sharam-Olav-Thomas-Achim-Dirk-Norvert-Klaus-Werner-Christina; Aquarell 50 x 65 cm: Kirsten Kötter

Philately seller and "social philatelie" seller Peter at the fleemarket next to "Ostbahnhof" Berlin
Aquarell / watercolour, 17 x 24 cm: Kirsten Kötter

Improvisohrium 28.03.2017, 2. Stunde: Arnulf-Olav-Werner-Ingo = links oben: Lila Gelb; Dietmar-Silvia-Norbert-Burkhard-Wolfgang = links unten: Grün Orange Türkis; Dirk-Achim-Ingo-Michael = rechts: Rottöne; Aquarell 50 x 65 cm: Kirsten Kötter

Meeting for the sketchcrawl excursion in the project space "Spreefeld",
Aquarell 17 x 24 cm: Kirsten Kötter



http://www.kunstgespraech.de/konzept_de.htm#'Site-specific painting (english)'